Explanation of Rates & Fees
Initial therapy appointments are typically billed at a higher rate than follow-up appointments. This is because the initial session often involves more time and resources for the therapist, including an in-depth assessment of the client's history, goals, and needs. The therapist may also need to spend additional time familiarizing themselves with the client's case before the session. In contrast, follow-up sessions tend to be more focused and targeted, as the therapist and client have already established a working relationship and treatment plan. As such, follow-up appointments are often billed at a lower rate than the initial session.
Couple and family therapy appointments are typically billed at a higher rate than individual therapy sessions. This is because the therapist is working with multiple individuals and addressing complex dynamics within the relationship or family system. The therapist must also balance the needs and perspectives of multiple people, which requires more time and skill than working with an individual. Additionally, the therapist may need to spend time outside of the session reviewing and analyzing the family or couple's history and dynamics. As such, couple and family therapy sessions are generally billed at a higher rate to reflect the increased complexity and demands of the work.
Dr. Hatch’s Fee Schedule
Initial Individual Therapy Session (50 Minutes): $220
Individual Therapy Session (50 Minutes): $200
Family Therapy Session (50 Minutes): $240
Initial Couples Therapy Session (50 Minutes): $240
Couples Therapy Session (50 Minutes): $220
Group Therapy: $65
Letters for HRT: Free for established clients
Professional Mentoring (50 Minutes): $200
Superbills Upon Request
Dr. Hatch is not a credentialed provider with any insurance company. However, clients may obtain reimbursement from their insurance companies by submitting a superbill, which contains all necessary information about the services provided, including date, type, and cost. Reimbursement rates may vary according to individual insurance plans, and clients may be responsible for a portion or all of the cost. Upon request, Dr. Hatch may provide a superbill at the end of each session to facilitate the possible reimbursement process. Many clients have successfully obtained reimbursement using their out-of-network benefits with this method.
Reimbursement depends upon your out-of-network benefits.
Consult your insurance provider for more details.